Friday, January 30, 2009

IPA - International Phalaenopsis Alliance Regional Meeting April 4, 2009

The International Phalaenopsis Alliance (IPA) is a worldwide group of hobby and professional growers devoted to sharing cultural and hybridizing information. Southern California will be hosting an IPA Regional Get-Together for the first time in years. And it will bring together 4 of the original Founding Fathers of the IPA in 1990: Carlos Fighetti, Bob Gordon, Tom Harper and Carri Raven-Riemann. Details of the day are as follows - we're looking forward to seeing many of our "phal phriends" from Southern California for what promises to be an informative and fun day.

IPA Regional Director: Norman Fang

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 4 at Norman's Orchids in Montclair, CA for what promises to be a great Regional get-together - our first in this area in many years! Guest speakers will include three of our original founding fathers: Carlos Fighetti, former IPA President & current AOS President, who will speak on "The "other" Phalaenopsis Species"; Tom Harper, of Stone's River Orchids, former IPA President & current 1st Vice President, on the newest developments in breeding for Reds; and Bob Gordon, famed author of several books on Phal culture, to update us on the latest and best ways to help your phals thrive. In addition, we'll have a workshop and/or roundtable discussion - an opportunity to share with other phal enthusiasts, meet new - and renew old - friendships.Since this will also be the first day of Norman's Annual Spring Open House, you'll have the added advantage of first crack at his sales plants in the sales greenhouse, which at this time of the year is overflowing with brilliant blooming colors from many different genera in addition to our favorite phals.
This is an open get-together so all phal lovers are invited to join us, IPA members and non-members alike. But please call Norman's Orchids (909.627.9515) ahead o f time to let us know you're planning to attend- we want to be sure we have enough chairs and food for everyone. Details of the speaker schedule will be posted soon. Click>>